Friday, September 30, 2011

Nothing of value comes without being earned...

"What appeared to be hard work to others was simply playing for me. We were playing a game.  Why not play as hard as you can?  There's no pressure in taking that approach.  Play to win. Why else would you play?" -Michael Jordan
An excerpt written by Michael Jordan from his book Driven From Within….

When my play started providing me with rewards, then I wanted to prove I deserved them.  I never felt the desire to rest on what I had accomplished.  I never felt like I deserved to rest on what I had accomplished.  I never felt like I deserved to drive a Bentley when I got my first contract, or live in a mansion.  Those things might be symbols of success to some people, but there are a lot of people who confuse symbols with actual success.  

What’s left after you get all the money and buy the best car?  There’s nowhere to go from there.

When we won one championship, then I wanted to win two in a row. When we won two, then I wanted to win three in a row because Larry and Magic never won three straight.

Nothing of value comes without being earned.

That’s why great leaders are those who lead by example first, you can’t demand respect because of a title or position and expect people to follow.  That might work for a little while, but in the long run people respond to what they see.  They might even listen, but they usually will act based on the actions of the person talking.  If the CEO skips out early on Fridays, then he or she has sent a message that tells everyone else they can do the same.  I practiced hard every day because I wanted every one of my teammates to know what I expected out of myself.  If I took a day off, then I knew they would, too. 

Just like my high school coach, Clifton “Pop”, Hering, used to say:  It’s hard, but it’s fair.”


Thursday, September 29, 2011

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles...

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.” -Buddha

Last night, I decided to do something that I have not done in a very long time. I decided to call it a day at 10pm and meditate. That’s right; I stopped working, turned off all my phones and computers, in order to shut off the switch of the perpetual machine that I call "My Mind". I climbed on top of the roof and meditated, all while glancing at the stars overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Why do you ask?..  Well, I personally needed a break! I needed a break from the world and most importantly MYSELF!

I have personally come to the conclusion that the only competition I have is staring at me right in front of the mirror. Just when I thought that I have calculated every internal and external personal variable.... I have come to the realization, that this is just the beginning.  Sometimes the tenacious personal drive that I have held myself accountable to all these years is so unyielding that I tend to neglect my friends, family, and most importantly, myself.

The interesting parable is that I consider this mindset as a psychological strength, but in all rationality, it is a weakness. Therefore, where do I find an equilibrium? Life is about balance, and without it, the body and mind tend to plummet off of the seesaw that we call life.

Time and time again, just when I thought I have come close to overcoming my own personal battles and demons, a new war begins. I guess it is safe to say that it’s all just part of life’s game plan. When one is disciplined enough to control his/her self, then he/she has truly conquered all battles. For the battles within oneself, are the greatest battles of all. That is why conquering oneself is a test of time. Now the question is, “Can it be done?”

In conclusion, the “Philosophical HUGO” has been doing a lot of thinking lately. I have realized that the greatest battle that one will try to ever conquer on this earth is against themselves! Therefore, only one can control their enemies, by controlling themselves first! In addition, once you learn to control your personal weaknesses, the Gods will bless you with the gift of controlling your enemy, and when you have the ability to control your enemy, you can then control yourself! .......... Contemplate on that...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bruce Lee on the mental attitude of combat....

“The possession of anything begins in the mind.” –Bruce Lee

Q: What are your thoughts when facing an opponent?

A:  There is no opponent.

Q: Why is that?

A:  Because the word ''l'' does not exist. A good fight should be like a small play...but played seriously. When the opponent expands, l contract. When he contracts, l expand. And when there is an opportunity... l do not hits all by itself (shows his fist). Any technique, however worthy and desirable, becomes a disease when the mind is obsessed with it.

.............A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard.

Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life. Do not be concerned with escaping safely - lay your life before him.

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The last man standing will win and that is how you play the game...

“Every man has two arms and two legs, and the person that wants it most will get it.” –Scott Alexander

We have all heard of the stories and tales of those that started with nothing and created empires.   Well, the fact of the matter is, that these stories are not just tales, but act as BLUEPRINTS for the next future fortunes.  Out of my vast and large circle of influence, I have the honor to say that about 90% of my colleagues are self made.  They have each learned to capitalize on certain niches, and have developed strategies and models to conquer each one.  What amazes me, is the fact that a significant amount of them didn’t graduate college, or even high school. They all just attended one common institution, the school of “HARD KNOCKS”.  

What is it that this famous so called academy teaches in its curriculum, that most higher learning institutions do not?   Luckily, I have had the pleasure to become an alumni, so I can definitely vouch to the following semester below;

1.       Pain 100
2.       Struggle 101
3.       Perseverance 100
4.       Hard Work 101
5.       Hustle (Macro)400
6.       Hustle (Micro)401
7.       Common Sense 201
8.       Patience 301
9.       Hunger    300
10.     Advanced Common Sense 302
11.     Ethics  400
12.     Play Harder  401

It’s funny to me, but life is definitely a game.  Time and time again, I get asked the following question, “Hugo, aren’t you ever going to take things seriously?” 

The interesting thing is that I’m probably the most serious and disciplined person I know.  It is just that I have come to the realization, that life is just a game and there are a trillion variables that I cannot control.  From my own family members battling cancer, to my divorce and losing everything.  Life is just one big game.  The key to it all is realizing that it’s a game, and playing it like no one else. 

In conclusion, I want all of you to remember the following statement, “Every man has two arms and two legs, and the person that wants it most will get it.”  Therefore, have the courage to fight for what you believe in.  As always, there will be variables that get in the way, but that’s life.  Just have the hunger to keep fighting when all others are running scared.  Trust me, at the end of the day……The last man standing will win….. and that is how you play the game.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pressure can crack pipes, but it can also create diamonds...

“My whole life I have never stopped dreaming. We all have dreams, but here is what is different about dreams today: Now is the time to dream big, because even during tough times like these, you can still make your dreams happen. I know there’s a lot of pressure outside, inside — economic pressure, social pressure. Remember, pressure can crack pipes. But it can also create diamonds.” – Russell Simmons


As I was conversing to a close female colleague (Entering The World of Business) the other day about social pressures, I couldn’t help but to post the following quote.  In the lonely world of business, entrepreneurs are faced with several internal and external variables. The intriguing enigma, is that running organizations or even building them, are not the testing factors, and come very easy in time.  The hardest part about being an entrepreneur is dealing with all the bullshit from our friends and family (ALSO KNOWN AS SOCIAL PRESSURE).  

As I was mentoring this young 21yr old grasshopper , I couldn’t help but to inform her that it takes a strong mind and person to step in the battle field that we call business.  As her age, experience, education, along with many other compensating factors, act as a injurious weapons.

Which leads me to my next commentary, avoiding the unhappy and unlucky.  In business and in life, the following law holds some serious accountability. 

As Mr. Robert Greene states, “You can die from someone else’s misery- emotional states are as infectious as disease.  You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you.  Associate with the happy and fortunate instead.  Never associate with those who share your defects- they will reinforce everything that holds you back. Only create associations with positive affinities. Make this a rule of life and you will benefit more that from all the therapy in the world.”

This simple statement can be depicted as the law of attraction.  If you associate with successful and happy people, than you too will become successful and HAPPY….and if you desire to associate with the weak and unhappy, than you too will join the emotional dogma they call life. 
Now on to the next proclamation; having the foresight and the vision to capitalize on opportunity.  As Mr. Simmons states, “My whole life I have never stopped dreaming. We all have dreams, but here is what is different about dreams today: Now is the time to dream big, because even during tough times like these, you can still make your dreams happen.”  

Please do not interpret this quote as the right to dream and constantly sleep.  As the fact is that 80 percent of society dreams, and the other 20 percent actually gets off of their lazy asses and does something about it.  As age and time are two congruent fortunes that must be harnessed.  If you have the age and your young enough to take on risk, than do it!   Now if you’re like most of my colleagues in their late 30’s and so on, you will have to use your prior life experience (TACIT AND EXPLICIT) knowledge to take on calculated risk, leverage, and execute.

Furthermore, as most of you know, I’m a firm believer of writing from the heart.  As through the years, I have opened myself and allowed all of you to enter the world of a young mouse, living in a world amongst lions.  As a young entrepreneur, I can definitely vouch to the fact that business is easy, its life that’s hard.  

I will end the following memoir as such, Don't let anyone, and I mean anyone, stop you from accomplishing your goals, visions, or dreams.  Now here is the underlying factor, If you have something in life that you want to accomplish greatly, you are going to have to give up your happiness.  I know there’s a lot of pressure outside, inside — economic pressure, social pressure. Remember, pressure can crack pipes. But it can also create can you handle it?

Friday, September 23, 2011

The frame of mind for the martial arts and everyday life...

"Sharpen your wisdom, distinguish principle and its opposite in the world, learn the good and bad of all things, experience all the arts and accomplishments and their various Ways, and act in a way so that you will not be taken by anyone.  This is the heart of the wisdom of the martial arts." - Miyamoto Musashi

Written on the Twelfth Day of the Fifth Month, Second Year of Shinmen Musashi  

....Mushashi wrote this just one week before his death.

......Do not let your mind stand still even when you are in repose, but do not let it speed up even when you are in repose, but do not let it speed up even when you are involved in quick actions.  The mind should not be distracted by the body, nor the body distracted by the mind.  Be very watchful of the mind, but less so of the body; let the mind be replete without being the least bit overloaded.  Though the mind appears weak on the surface, it should be strong at the bottom.  Act so that your opponent cannot understand your mind.  

The man whose body is small should bear everything in mind about the man whose body is large, and the man whose body is large should bear everything in mind about the man whose body is small. But whether the body be large or small, keep the mind straight and in a way that it will allow no personal preferences. All these things are essential.  

Do not let the mind become clouded inside; keep it broad, and place your wisdom in that broad place.  It is very important to polish both wisdom and mind earnestly.  

Sharpen your wisdom, distinguish principle and its opposite in the world, learn the good and bad of all things, experience all the arts and accomplishments and their various Ways, and act in a way so that you will not be taken by anyone.  This is the heart of the wisdom of the martial arts. 

There is something particularly unique in the wisdom of the martial arts.  Even when the action is extraordinarily lively on the battlefield, you should take the principles of the martial arts to the extreme and keep your mind unmoved. You should investigate this thoroughly.  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In time of difficulties...

“In time of difficulties, we must not lose sight of our achievements.” - Mao Tse-Tung
There are times in life where we must all do some self evaluation.  Luckily for me, I have friends, family, and a strong team of mentors that like to throw in there two senses daily.  This is definitely a positive factor in my life, but if misinterpreted, can become a double edged sword.  Time and time again, especially during the holidays, I am lectured on how to improve and live my life.  From love to finance, the circle of influence that I surround myself correlates my life with their personal ideologies and philosophies.  In doing so, without notice, they are professing ways for me to improve my life, by living the life that they always wanted.  This is a very interesting parable, that if MISINTERPRETED, can act as poison.

Through the years, I have learned to appreciate the fact that I am different.  Different in the sense of, drive, beliefs, ideologies, philosophies, etc.   Through discipline, pain, and suffering, I have trained my mind to fight for what I believe in.  There are times when the masses are running with the herd, and that’s where my training and courage kicks in to high gear.  I too have doubts some times, but like Mao Tse Tung states, “In time of difficulties, we must not lose sight of our achievements.” 

Luckily, and with God’s help, I have had the pleasure to conquer several achievements.  Sometimes, I am to busy fighting life’s War, that I forget about all the small battles that I have fought and won.   Thankfully, I am blessed to say that I have good friends to remind me of those conquests.  To those select few, THANK YOU!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The gentleman...

"The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone; but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman. The power which the strong have over the weak, the magistrate over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly; the forbearing and inoffensive use of all this power and authority, or the total abstinence from it, when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light. The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He can only forgive; he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which imparts sufficient strength to let the past be put the past."
— General Robert E. Lee