Thursday, April 5, 2012

All we have is faith...

“He who has faith has... an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly. “- B. C.Forbes

Sometimes in life, all we have is FAITH. The inner strength and will, to know that even under the worst circumstances, things will always work out. It’s funny to say, but sometimes my business partner and I think we have a guardian angel following us. Whether it is an angel guarding us, luck, or even probability, life will always take its course for the best.

I hate to admit it, but there are times when I am faced with life’s wonderful anxieties. But that’s when think about my fellow Marines in Afghanistan and state to myself…”Damn, I could be back in the Marines and on deployment!” That’s when this young lad just takes a deep breath, says a little prayer, and laugh’s it off. For the quality of your life, definitely starts with the quality of your attitude.

I guess it is safe to correlate courage, hope, confidence and calmness with FAITH. Forbes definitely has it down to a “T”. For faith is just an assuring trust that all will come out well. It is only when you can trust yourself, that you will learn to trust others. This is the wonderful rule of “knowing thyself.”

In conclusion, Faith is one of the most important traits one must have in order to succeed in life. One must have the vision to see what others cannot see. From business deals to love, there will be times when the simple rules governing the application make no sense at all. The enter and exit strategies are vague, and all calculations do not add up. Therefore, you have to just dig deep inside yourself, believe in what you are about to do, and take that first step. Trust me, the hardest steps in life, are definitely the FIRST!

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