Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When i was 5 years old my mother told me...

Life is about dreaming the amazing and achieving the impossible. We all have dreams, but only a small percentage of us take on the initiative towards achieving them. Most of us see the trophy, but do not have the will power and discipline to play the whole season. Life is about taking as many punches as you can. You will definitely get knocked out... Trust me... I have personally been knocked out several times... But that is why most of my own colleagues like to refer me as, the "Teflon Kid!"

Take it from me; the path you take on achieving your goals (dreams) will miraculously get you to your destination. I know that the road can sometimes be covered in fog and the car you are driving happens to have a flat tire, and you may sometimes run out of gas... but hey that's life... That is life's way of keeping you humble.  But in time, with perseverance, and dedication... the road your on, will lead you towards your destination.

In business and in life, it is either ALL OR NOTHING!  There is no room for error, and all decisions need to be calculated with extreme precision. Time is definitely our most precious commodity and for some of us, the clock is almost done ticking.  That’s why you have to treat every second of every minute like it was your last.  In doing so, you will be able to reap the abundances of life’s CLOCK, if not…it will be time to change the battery..  So, keep on fighting! Vereour Nasquam

1 comment:

  1. amazing post..thank you for the great motivation during these times... i have been going through a lot in my life and once in a blue moon i tend to read ur posts....they are exactly what i need to keep me going!! THANK YOU!
