Monday, October 10, 2011

Perseverance is more effective than brute strength...

“Now you can see, my friends and allies , that perseverance is more effective than brute strength, and that there are many difficulties that cannot be overcome if you try to do everything at once, but which will yield if you master them little by little.  The truth is that steady continuous effort is irresistible, for this is the way in which Time captures and subdues the greatest powers on earth. Now Time, you should remember, is a good friend and ally to those who use their intelligence to choose the right moment, but a most dangerous enemy to those who rush into action at the wrong one.” –Life Of Sertorius, Plutarch, C. A. D. 46-120

Perseverance and passion are two congruent traits that one must possess in order to take on the world of business, love, and life.  Take it from me, as a young immigrant turned entrepreneur, my blood flows with passion as I hate to lose.  Whether it is in life, love, or business, I have grown to become a better man by accepting defeat as a way of life.  On the contrary, I have trained my soul to turn defeat and failure into fuel. 

Time and time again I am faced with exigent news, from family members battling cancer, to clients losing their shirts, and even matters of the heart. I too bleed when cut.  Now in the war we call life, I have learned to compound my drive and anger into fuel that ignites my inner jets of perseverance.  As the old saying states, “It is not how hard you fall, but how high you bounce back.”   

As belief and vision are characteristics that one must definitely have in order to achieve greatness. Most importantly, one must believe in his/her self. It is when one has such a strong belief in his/her self that the doors of success will open. There will be times when your belief will be tested, I can promise you that, but your willpower has to be strong enough, that it turns your visions into reality.

We have all been told we couldn’t do something. Time and time again, I have been told that I couldn’t do this, and I couldn’t do that! It’s actually kind of ironic and entertaining now, because I have changed my reality, and my friends comments to, “Hugo, don’t do it!” 

Life is definitely a gamble, and I personally thrive on the tingles it gives me. If life itself does not pump with passion from the heart to the veins, then what are you living for? Have you lost faith in the most important person in your life? Have you lost the vision to accomplish and attain all your personal goals and dreams?

If you have answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then you have officially been a victim of society! Society, in the states, is structured to keep you “inside the box”! The monetary policies and constitutional rights created by are great forefathers are constantly being modified and re-worded day by day. Allowing the freedoms that we once had, to languidly disappear. I know I am kind of transcending off topic, but I am kind of depressed about where this country is going….But to make a long story short, I am not giving up on MYSELF!!! So if this economy destroys itself, I am going to do my best to make sure that my family, friends, and close colleagues THRIVE! Because I still believe in all of YOU and most importantly ME!

In conclusion, it usually only takes me 15-20 minutes to write these memoirs, but my phones have not stopped ringing since 5:30 this morning!. And as I look at the time, I have to get back to work. Carpe Diem!


  1. Inspiration only last the length of a flame on a match but these blogs continuously keep my flame burning. Fear Nothing! Nd keep the blogs coming!

  2. i want to personally thank you for the many postings. As your young outlook on life is quite refreshing... its great to know that there are other young minded driven people like me out in the world today!

  3. this blog is exactly what i have been looking for!!! its about time...

  4. "You don't become enormously successful without encountering and overcoming a number of extremely challenging problems." Mark Victor Hansen

  5. >>>>>Life is definitely a gamble, and I personally thrive on the tingles it gives me. If life itself does not pump with passion from the heart to the veins, then what are you living for? Have you lost faith in the most important person in your life? Have you lost the vision to accomplish and attain all your personal goals and dreams? >>>>>>> THE TRUTH!!!

  6. “It is not how hard you fall, but how high you bounce back.” now that is the truth!! great post HUGO!
